Last weekend I attended Mumford & Son's
Gentlemen of the Road stopover in Troy, Ohio. In a word: fantastic (festastic??!). Most of my festival experience (aka: Bonnaroo) has been in a rural setting, but GOTR is different. They spend a lot of time selecting unique, small towns that could use the economic boost and are willing to go absolutely all-in to make the festival a success. Troy was a perfect pick. Everything from the adorable downtown to the friendly locals made our experience unforgettable.

I love music festivals, big time. I love the long road trips – wide awake with anticipation on the way, and exhausted and full of stories on the way back. I love the chaos, the camping and even the not-showering for days at a time. I love the excuse to don flowers in my hair and dance in the rain to a favorite band. Above all else, I love the people. Fellow festers share a bond, a love for the music that makes you endure all the aforementioned. I've never left a festival without being pleasantly reminded that there really are still good people out there: genuinely happy humans who are willing to help anybody.
For me, the only hard part of festivals is getting used to the constant buzz. I’m naturally introverted so having downtime to recharge is something I’m used to, and need. This isn't always easy at festivals – so my advice for fellow introverts out there: be prepared (earplugs are worth their weight in gold at 4am when the neighboring camp is still pounding
Bassnectar) and give yourself a break.
What you're feeling is natural; being surrounded by constant noise is not.
With that being said, fest on my friends!